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how my passion budded


Amanda Mathers

me and charlie.jpg

Family Herbalist

Hi Friends, I would like to thank you for taking interest in my story and life!

I had always been a kid with a love of nature and a passion for all things living. Now as an adult it only seems fitting I would have come to a career where working with nature and people come into harmony.

I will give you a quick back story to how I got here, and when I mean quick I mean you better go get yourself a cup of tea and cozy up.

At age 19 I was living a traditional North American lifestyle and it had led me to  become depressed, angry, lacking a zest for life and felt generally unwell. I had frequent stomach attacks, some so bad I would end up in the ER. I knew that I needed to make some serious lifestyle changes to start truly Living.

So I quit smoking cigarettes, got a gym membership, went off birth control pill and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle all in a matter of weeks. Immediately I started to feel an improvement, but my menstrual cycle never returned after coming off birth-control pill. After many doctor appointments and a series of tests I learned I had a rather severe case of PCOS. The doctor informed me in cases like mine conceiving and caring a pregnancy would be challenging and unlikely. The suggested protocol was to go back on birth control pill to maintain a monthly cycle till a time where I was ready to conceive and at that point I would start fertility treatments. I was devastated, I knew at a very young age I wanted a family. Well with that news the hunt for a natural practitioner who would help me began. After some calling around a friend suggested a Natural Practitioner that said he could help. After my first appointment I went home with herbal tonics and more dietary changes. Sure enough, within 4 weeks my cycle had returned. That was it, my love of holistic healing was born.

Since then I have not stopped learning, independently studying, taking courses, attending seminars, gardening and wild foraging. After all these years my passion for plant medicine continues to grow.

I am now blessed to be a mother of 4.  Our family of 6 lives on an acreage in Ontario where we have an off-grid homestead/micro dairy.  We are continuing to try to improve our sustainability, learn new skills and grow/forage the most nutritionally dense foods and medicines possible.  

Natural medicine and holistic living changed my life  and now I want to share those gifts with others.

Thank you for reading


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